Monday, December 7, 2015

Emergency Transfer

Mom, I am so glad that you sent it to the mission office. If you have more to send just keep sending them there. The reason why is because this week I got Emergency Transferred into Bathurst, New Brunswick. The reason why isn't because of me, or my companions, but because of the missionaries that were here. They had some problems while they were here, that caused both of them to get transferred out. It's disappointing, especially because I was really looking forward to my time in Bridgewater. Maybe I'll get back there again before I'm done. Only problem I have is that it's a French speaking area, and I understand and speak no French, while my companion Elder Keaton Gibb understands, and speaks a little, so we're going to be reading the Book of Mormon in French, so that hopefully we can teach the people here in their native tongue for many. Also, Bathurst borders Quebec, that's why there's so many French speakers here. Should be a fun rest of the transfer. White washing twice in one transfer, that doesn't happen to often. The biggest bummer though was that I had just unpacked completely on Monday, then Wednesday I got the call from the assistants that I was going to be transferred

The next transfer is after Christmas, on New Years if I remember correctly! And I don't know if I'll be in the same spot, although I was talking to President Pratt the other day about this random transfer, and he said that I most likely won't be staying after the end of this transfer, though I guess we'll find out when the time comes.
I'll look through the pictures I have and see if there are any that I would like in the Christmas card, and I don't know if I can get the paragraph in today, so you should probably just write it.
Sounds like you're in better shape than you thought. And it sounds like you've had a good week. It's especially cool that you got to meet Dale Webster. Does he read your blog about it?
Nothing else happened for me this week, other than a surprising mid-transfer transfer, and that's it. Sounds like you're doing great as well. Keep on Keepin on!
Love you,
Elder Dooley

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